Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Marilyn Monroe Becomes Vanity Fair Quot Cover Girl

Here the I have calculated as it you would happen. I m. Pepper, when in the walks no except Jerry Reed. Here the I have calculated as it you would happen. That one is based in a fat spoon outside from some steamingGeorgia Blacktop, flirting with a maid of bar red-headed and orderly on a sandwich of the Diablo and a Dr Pepper when in the walks no except Jerry Reed.. It churns outside the powder of the road, orders a hamburger brace for its fallen-eared dog all outside in the great system of perforation, throws a look to the motorcyclists in the cabins d angle, observes therefore it straight nell eye. I m. That one is based in a fat spoon outside from certainly blacktop of baking to vapor of the Georgia, flirting with a maid of bar red-headed and orderly on a sandwich of the Diablo and a Dr.

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